Traditional Project Managers are insufficient. Innovation projects require Innovation Practitioners.
Being a successful Project Manager can be an important starting point for becoming an Innovation Practitioner. But in my many years as Innovation Executive I have experienced first of all to search for talent and then educate and build-up the innovation experience. This has been my way to build Innovation Dream Teams.
The combination of talents I am looking for, is the combination, which together with our Innovation Pathway results in Coherently executed Innovation.
To be a high performer in innovation you must be Convinced about the scope of your innovation task and from this position be Persuasive. Related to the innovation scope, it is ideal if you are Experienced yet still Curious, as innovation is to discover and realize what does not yet exist.
You are hopefully well Connected yet still hungry for New Connections, as innovation is beneficial utilization of knowledge and creativity from as many people as possible.
To be able to manage many different stakeholder interests you must be Persevere yet also Flexible.
Innovation is one of the most demanding diciplines in business, so we need persons who are Broadly Competent but also Fast Learners.
If these talents are combined with a Creative but also Analytical behavior, then you will for sure become a successful Innovation Practitioner. The talents will make you a fast mover towards becoming an Innovation Executive with high potential for becoming a member of the Management Team: The most important Innovation Team of the company.
Erik Keldmann