The missing link between the management levels: Shared Innovation working philosophy and method.
I have worked as Innovation Practitioner, Innovation Executive and acted as Innovation Coach for Boards of Directors and Management Teams. I have experienced how a shared innovation working method and philosophy has enhanced creativity and efficiency on and between all organizational levels.
Precondition for the involvement of the Board of Directors is a Management Team acting as Innovation Executives with competencies in focusing, specifying, initiating and managing Shared Innovation projects.
A precondition for an Innovation active Management Team is competent teams managed by trained Innovation Practitioners.
To exploit all knowledge and creativity from Board of Directors to the youngest team member requires that all members share the same working philosophy and shared working method. This applies to a project team, the Management Team as well as for the Board of Directors. If we want to create Innovation Dream Teams, then all levels in the organization must share the same Innovation working philosophy and method.
I have developed and applied the system of the Innovation Pathway through the different management levels: When the Board of Directors create the Vision and the Mission of the company, when the management team takes over and transforms the Mission to Strategy and Concepts and when the Innovation Teams create new Products and Services and completes it with new realized business.
All steps and phases facilitated by the same working philosophy and method. That is coherently executed innovation.
Erik Keldmann