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Learn how to innovate successfully with our online innovation courses. We are innovators. You get our decades of practice in all; from innovation definition to The Innovation Pathway.

We offer targeted online innovation courses for each key role in the innovation process. All is based on our own experience and innovation track record across several industries, and from executive to project level. We have condensed our 200,000 hours of innovation experience to 6 hours concentrated video-based e-learning for you. We teach you and your teams how you beneficially utilize knowledge and creativity, so you can discover and realize, what does not yet exist: This is the essence of our innovation definition.

To Innovate is an approach to your entire business. Our innovation definition is based on decades of innovation practice.

Innovation is…
beneficial utilization of knowledge and creativity,
in order to discover and realize what does not yet exist.”

Erik Keldmann, Troels Keldmann


Innovation Executive


Troels Keldmann

Innovation Executive


Innovate not only your Products and Services, but also Mission, Strategy and Concepts

Our Blog is a stream of insights, experiences and view point based on decades of experience. We invite you to subscribe to our blog, and you will be alerted when we share innovation experiences and insights.

Project Manager

Introduction to course

Project Manager course $395

Management Team Member

Introduction to course

Team Member course $695

Marketing Professional

Introduction to course

Marketing Prof. course $395

Sales Professional

Introduction to course

Sales Prof. course $395


Introduction to course

Entrepreneur course $395



Certificate validation




The Inspiration was so tangible that I had to put the book down several times to work on our own innovation, using the attitudes and tools. Parts of the book ought to be required reading before launching significant product development projects.

Lars Hein

Director, Institute for Product Development, Technical University of Denmark


  • You select your targeted online innovation course for Management Team members and Project Managers, Marketing Professionals, Sales Professionals and Entrepreneurs. (View course introduction videos above).
  • You decide when and where for your online innovation courses. No travel expenses and days away from work and home. All you need is online access on phone, tablet or computer.
  • You access online Video Lessons, Video SkillBuilders and Video Innovation case stories (90 days access). (View samples of videos).
  • You are immediately ready to exploit your new innovation competence by Office Pathway Templates (for keeps) in English, Deutsch, Francais, Español and Dansk. In addition, you get your personal copy of the e-book The Innovation Tree.


Innovation of your Mission, Strategy and Concepts is the responsibility of your Management Team. The initiated Innovation Projects must be based on the created Strategy and Concepts. Your innovation projects should be managed by trained Innovation Practitioners and their Teams, in dialogue with your Management Team. In this way Innovation will be an approach to your entire business.

Our innovation definition emphasizes the word beneficial, because your Innovation efforts must be beneficial to someone: Without a scope there is no meaning in Innovation. We use the word knowledge before the word creativity. Because creativity has no substance without knowledge. Combining a scope with knowledge and creativity, then you can discover and realize, what does not yet exist.

© Keldmann Innovation A/S